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What is HTTP/2?

HTTP/2 is a major update to the HTTP network protocol, which is the technology used to send website requests and to receive website responses. HTTP/2 provides significant performance and security updates over HTTP/1.1. HTTP/2 does not change how HTTP requests and responses work. Web pages using HTTP/2 will function the same as web pages using HTTP/1.1; however, web pages using HTTP/2 will be faster and more secure thanks to the upgrades HTTP/2 makes to the HTTP network protocol.

How do I get HTTP/2?

HTTP/2 support is enabled inside of the web server software, such as Apache or NGINX, used to serve web pages to visitors. Both Apache and NGINX have modules that enable HTTP/2 support, but the modules are not enabled by default. Contact your hosting provider or work with an experienced systems administration professional about enabling HTTP/2 support.




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