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Why is a page title so important?

The page title provides search engines the most important information about the content of the web page or the website. Search engines use the title to determine relevance and the order in which pages show in search results. They also commonly display the first 50-60 characters  of the page title on search results pages. Web browsers also use the title to determine what to show visitors in the browser window or tab bar where the web page is being viewed. In addition, social networks and other applications will use the title in thumbnails or other displays of the content from the web page.

What makes a good title?

There are several factors that determine how good a title is. Titles should be kept under 60 characters (i.e. letters, punctuation, spaces, numbers). Search engines usually do not display more than the first 60 characters on search results pages. If a longer title has to be used, put the most important information earlier in the title. It is also best to not use only capitalized letters or list of keywords or variations on the same keyword. Modern search engines can understand synonyms of keywords and will ignore or even penalize web pages that use too many keywords to try to trick search engines into assigning a higher score. It is best to write a unique title that explains what the web page or website is about with a few different keywords related to the content on the web page or the website.

How to set a page title?

The page title can be set using the HTML <title> tag inside of the HTML <head> tag for the page. For websites using WordPress, the title is usually set through WordPress, such as in the settings or in the customizer.




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