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What is SPDY?

SPDY (pronounced “speedy”) was a new networking protocol Google developed to improve performance and security for HTTP traffic. SPDY was eventually overtaken by HTTP/2, the next update to the HTTP networking protocol. HTTP/2 provided the same or better improvements to performance and security as SPDY, and HTTP/2 was officially approved by the World Wide Web Consortium, the main standards setting organization for the World Wide Web. After HTTP/2 development started, Google announced that SPDY would eventually no longer be supported or developed by Google.

What to do about a website using SPDY?

As of this time, every major browser has either removed support for SPDY or has announced that SPDY will be removed in the future. Websites that are using SPDY should have their web server software, such as Apache or NGINX, upgraded to use HTTP/2 instead.




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