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  • #88894
    Juha Kettunen

    Hi there!

    I just purchased Total Upkeep Pro plugin for WordPress in order to frequently backup several custom data tables in my WordPress MariaDB installation and store the backups to Google Drive.

    I have WordPress Pro, which already contains JetPack for automatically backing up all WordPress content & files plus all database tables with standard prefix wp_

    However, the core of my system is several large custom data tables with custom prefix xxx_ Now it seems, that I can’t backup these custom tables xxx_, only the wp_ tables are available in your selection list.

    How to backup custom data tables with other prefix than wp_?

    I could maybe rename all my custom tables with prefix wp_, but it would mean huge extra job to change all custom php code related to data table handling (= hundreds data calls in tens of different locations. It would be much easier, if you could modify the plugin to accept also other prefixes than wp_

    This was the only reason for purchasing Total Upkeep Pro. If those custom data tables can’t be backed up my Total Upkeep Pro purchase is useless.

    Another issue: I can only set the automated backup for one day a week. If I select several days, the plugin says: “We were unable to save your settings for the following reason(s): An error occurred when modifying cron jobs. Please try again.” I would need the updates daily.

    Juha Kettunen

    Brandon C

    Hi Juha,

    Thanks for reaching out and thank you for purchasing Total Upkeep Premium!

    Total Upkeep will backup any tables that use the website’s database prefix, which is wp_ by default, but that value can be changed. the database prefix used for a particular installation is set in wp-config.php.

    As for you daily backup schedule, Normally the uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin removes all crons automatically, but if something like, maybe a plugin directory was deleted by mistake you can:

    Either use your web host’s cron job manager (like cPanel or a similar tool)
    or on command line with the crontab -e command. allow us to quickly test this issue on our end.

    I hope this helps Juha! Please let us know if there’s anything else that we can answer for you!

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