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  • #130222 Reply
    Rob Sentis

    Hi Boldgrid! I am trying your plugin in an attempt to speed up a slow site and it appears to help significantly. I am considering purchasing the annual subscription. I am having one issue at the moment.

    I have built the website using a builder called Divi from Elegant Themes. When I activated W3 Total Cache, the Site Logo on the top left of the page in the menu bar area disappears when loaded on following devices (in portrait mode). When flipped to landscape model the logo appears and then remains when returned to portrait mode.

    iPhone 8 (16.7.7) x 3
    iPhone 12 (17.4.1)
    iPhone 13 (17.4.1)
    iPad Pro 11” 3rd Gen (17.4.1)

    Is this something that can be resolved.



    #130293 Reply
    Marko Vasiljevic

    Hello Rob,

    Thank you for reaching out and I am happy to help!
    First, we should determine which W3 Total Cache setting may be causing the problem in this case.
    Can you please disable the settings one by one in Performance>general settings, save the settings and purge the cache after each setting is disabled, and see which one might be causing the issue?
    Please start with lazyloading if it’s enabled and let me know if this helps!


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