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  • #28047


    I want to make a new footer file to replace the default footer file, but I don’t want to change the current footer file. I think I can change the page.php, make it link to my new footer file. However, I don’t know how to create a new file in the theme files. Could you help me?

    Jesse Owens

    Hi Renascence-

    You can customize your footer without coding a new file in the Customize > Advanced > Footer Settings. There you’ll be able to modify the contact details, change the attribution links, and add custom widgets to include any content you’d like in your footer.

    If you would like to custom-code a new footer, you should do it by creating a child theme, where you’ll be able to override the template from your current theme by creating a file called footer.php in your theme’s templates/footer/ directory.

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