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  • #31622
    Tony Molinaro

    Hi, I just installed the Facebook pixel on my site but it will not work if W3 Total Cache is activated. I was just wondering if anyone had a similar issue and what can I do to have it work on my site. Thanks

    Joseph W

    Hi Tony!

    Do you know if your website currently has Minify enabled? It could be that the files that handle the Facebook pixel are not minifying properly and deactivating that setting could help you get the Facebook pixel working as expected.

    Hopefully that works and please let us know how it goes!

    Tony Molinaro

    Hi, thanks for getting back to me. Don’t ask me how but now it’s working. I had disabled it and when I activated it, the pixel now shows up. Thanks

    Joseph W

    You’re welcome Tony, I am glad to hear that the Facebook pixel is working as expected now! If you ever have any other questions for us in the future please do not hesitate to ask!


    Hi,i also have the same problem but the fb pixel stops firing only on the purchase page.When i disable minify it starts working properly. Is there a way to enable minify and have the pixel work or its not possible? Thank you.

    Jesse Owens

    Hi Kachi-

    If the problem is only occurring on the purchase page, you could add that page to the Never Minify The Following Pages field in the Performance > Minify menu, or add the JavaScript file itself to the Never minify the following JS files.


    Thank you. I realized i was not adding the page i dint want to minify correctly. Also i noticed the minify option disables my paypal buy now button on my single product page.

    Jesse Owens

    Hi Kachi-

    Most often this would happen because the JavaScript files for your PayPal Buy Now button are already minified, and minifying them a second time through W3TC is causing errors. I’d recommend checking on the JavaScript files for that plugin, and add them to the Never minify the following JS files list.

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