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  • #109725

    Hi. I used Total Upkeep to create a backup of an old site before I took it down. I’m looking to upload the same content to a new site. I’m trying to follow your directions for uploading a larger file directly to my host’s file manager, but I can’t locate the correct file to put the backup in. No “/home/customer/boldgrid_backup” exists. I search for just “boldgrid_backup” and nothing comes up. Any suggestions?

    Brandon C

    Hi Alexa,

    Thanks a lot for reaching out! We can help you find the correct folder to place your Total Upkeep backup file.

    The actual folder you should be looking for in the destinations sites file structure is boldgrid_backup folder. You can normally find it in your top level folder /home/your-website along side of your public_html folder. Once you upload your zip to the boldgrid_backup folder it should appear in your Total Upkeep “Backups” dashboard.

    You can follow this guide for the step by step directions on how to set this up. I really hope this helps Alexa. Let us know if there’s anything else that we can answer for you!

    Thank you


    I’m afraid I don’t see any folders named boldgrid_backup. Here is a screenshot of my file manager. I’m trying to load the backup on the staging2 variation.Screenshot

    Brandon C

    Hi Alexa,

    Sorry the screenshot may not have linked over correctly. You can use ImgBB to easily create a link for you screenshot and share it with us that way.

    We’re looking forward to assisting you further with this!


    I haven’t used imgBB before, hope I did it right… here’s the link

    Brandon C

    Hi Alexa!

    Thanks for your screenshot, yes it worked fine! It looks like this is the correct location where your boldgrid_backup folder should be. Check your destination site and make sure Total Upkeep is installed and activated and then go back into your file system and try creating your boldgrid_backup folder manually and upload your backup zip file to that folder.

    After uploading the zip file check the Backups section of your Total Upkeep dashboard to see if it appears.

    I hope this works out for you Alexa. We’re right here to answer any further questions you might have!

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