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  • #27118

    Thank you so much.

    One. When is the image manipulator function (ability to add filters super easy for one thing) going to work? Man. Nothing like that functionality being there, and then POOOF not there anymore. Do you know how long I searched for it? A long time. Cause I was sure it was there. Then sometimes it would be, then POOF gone again.

    Second, can you help me with a few things? If you look at all my bottom of the page CTA boxes on tewasi.org
    The text is visually all out of balance. The heading is maybe centered but the CTA text is off to the right. It looks wonky.
    Can you help me with getting all that fixed?

    Jesse Owens

    Hi Bryan-

    The image filter control should be present any time you select an image on your page. Look for the “Magic Wand” icon:
    Finding the Image Filters Tool

    As for your Call-to-Action, did you get a chance to check out the video I sent you in your other post?
    If you have a moment to check it out, I’ll show you how to fix this:



    What I wouldn’t pay to have more consistent access to you oh BoldGrid God-man!

    Now I know the image manipulator is supposed to be there. It isnt. It would be fabulous if it was.

    Yes I did look at your video about centering the CTA my screen doesn’t do what you indicated.

    Please can you help?

    Thank you.


    Oh ok!!!

    That video makes so much more sense!!

    Ok. I will do that. Although I have edited the in the text editor before and it didnt seem to do what I expected. But YEAS! Thank you for that vid!

    You ROCK!



    The image tool is not there. What can I do, or what would make it NOT be there?

    Jesse Owens

    Hi Bryan-

    I’m putting in a request to HR to get “BoldGrid God-Man” on my business cards now.

    Anyway, in my testing I haven’t been able to recreate the issue where the image filter tool doesn’t show up when an image is selected in the editor. One possibility I can think of is that it’s not available for background images, only for regular images and images that are in galleries.

    Since you’re an InMotion Hosting customer, you already have access to premium support included with your hosting plan. So, if you’ve got an image that isn’t working as expected with the tool, file a premium support ticket and a member of our team (all gods and goddesses) can log into your dashboard and see if we can diagnose the issue for you.



    Ok, I just learned a lot about how this thing operates.

    Thank you.
    Can you help me figure out how to get the mobile view looking right?
    Is it just messing with it? Cause now everything looks great on the desktop but that join our community section strings straight down the page.

    Don’t worry you will always be BoldGrid God-man to me.



    Jesse Owens

    Hi Bryan-

    It looks like I might be too late- the Community Section looks like it’s been removed. That said, I do see that your mobile view does look a little funky, specifically the layout shrinks down further than the view-width.

    At a glance, it looks like the the “scroll-to-top” element is causing this, but I haven’t been able to recreate that behavior in my testing sites.

    I’m going to investigate further to see if I can find you a good resolution for this. In the meantime, you can disable the scroll-to-top button in Customize > Design > Site Content > Scroll to Top menu.



    I disabled scroll to the top. You are right I could not figure out the footer on the home page so it had to go.

    If you look the mobile footer on Our MISSION is crazy wonky right now.

    I know you can help me figure this out.

    Also on the home page TEWASI is just slightly off center, and I can’t get it  straight.

    Thank you again.


    Jesse Owens

    Hi Bryan-
    Regarding your header being off-center, did you get a chance to check out the video I posted on your other support thread?

    I took a look at the “Our Mission” section, and it is indeed pretty “crazy wonky” right now. I might even suggest re-building that block from scratch.

    If you can wait until tomorrow morning, I’ll record another video on fixing this block for you.



    Sure, I can wait till tomorrow.

    No worries.

    Thanks again.



    Jesse Owens

    Hi Bryan-
    I noticed you entered in a Premium Support ticket. We’ll fix this block for you when we follow up on that ticket.

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