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  • #110549


    Is it possible to exclude accounts with staging?

    My staging site has accounts Dev1 and Dev2.

    My live site has accounts Founder, Member1, Subscriber2, Editor etc.

    When i push staging to live, I don’t want the Dev accounts in the staging site to overwrite the accounts in the live site.


    Brandon C

    Hi Johny,

    Thanks for reaching out with your Total Upkeep questions. It is possible to exclude the users table in your backup. When taking the backup, under the database section select custom backup and find the option to exclude certain tables users and user meta and uncheck them. From there you can run your backup and restore to the destination site.

    Just to be on the safe side I would take a backup of the destination site as well just to be sure you have an extra copy in the case something does go wrong in the site restoration.


    Thanks for that!
    If i add users to the staging site, and then restore to live, will the live users get overwritten? Will the staging users be excluded?

    Brandon C

    Hi John,

    If you restore the full backup without excluding the user tables it will overwrite those tables at your destination site. You would need to take first create a backup that excludes those specific tables.

    I hope this helps!

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