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  • #23387

    I am trying to add “” to direct to the page “”  I own both domains, I would like them both to point to the same page.



    Arnel C

    Hellow Dawn,


    Thanks for your question about pointing another domain name to your website URL.  The solution to this is named differently based on the web host service that you’re using.  Some call it using a domain alias or domain parking (often depending on the version of the software you’re using).  Basically, you would need to go to your domain management in the web hosting software that you’re using.  For example, in cPanel (the newer versions), you would go to the Domains section and then select Aliases. You can then assign your other domain so that any traffic using that domain name will be directed to your existing domain.  You may need to consult with your web hosting company’s technical support if you require further assistance.

    If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know

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