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  • #38851

    When I edit my page header in Crio in desktop view, the tablet and phone views get rearranged, and the header organization I created for them gets lost. Therefore, my header can be arranged only according to one of the views, thus being a mess. How can I create headers for each view separately?

    Jesse Owens

    Hi Anita-

    Thanks for reaching out, and thanks for using the Crio Pro WordPress Theme.

    The answer to this is a little easier to show than to tell, so I took a few minutes to record this short video for you, if you have about 3 minutes to watch:

    To summarize the video, the easiest way to do this is to clone your header, and then use the responsive utilities to either show or hide one of the clones on each device.


    Hi, Jesse

    Thank you for your video. Helped a lot!

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