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  • #23400

    What does this error mean and how can I fix it?

    Warning: strpos(): Empty needle in /home/corne103/public_html/wp-content/plugins/boldgrid-editor/includes/media/class-boldgrid-editor-layout.php on line 165



    It looks like there is an issue with your boldgrid-editor plugin install or a caching issue. I would recommend clearing the cache on your site and your browser cache. Most commonly the cache for your site will be located in wp-content/cache, it may be located elsewhere depending on the other plugins are being used. If that does not resolve the issue i would recommend reinstalling a fresh copy of the boldgrid-editor plugin. If that does not work then disable all plugins except the BoldGrid plugins and then enable any other plugins one at a time until you see the error come back.

    Best Regards,

    Kyle M

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