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  • #39939

    We are working on our next boldgrid web site. I’ve noticed that there is only one theme in the inspiration area, Crio.
    I remember having more choices before. Have I not installed the plugin correctly or is everything based on that one theme?



    Joseph W

    Thank you for contacting us Rob, our team is happy to answer about our WordPress templates plugin Inspirations!

    Previously you were able to install templates that used our Classic BoldGrid themes, but we have since converted each of those designs into content sets that all use our newest WordPress theme Crio. Turning the original designs in Crio content sets allowed us to provide the same starter designs as before alongside the more powerful theme framework that comes Crio to help create highly customized website designs if desired.

    I hope that this helps answer you questions Rob and please let us know if there is anything else that we can do to help!

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