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  • #22767

    My user password reset takes you to a screen that requires your password to reset your password. Weirdest part is that is the only field to fill out.

    BoldGrid Support


    Thanks for posting your question regarding the password reset functionality behaving unexpectedly. I’m sorry to see you are experiencing issues with that. I was unable to replicate the issue you are describing, using the latest version of WordPress and BoldGrid. The Lost your password? link, navigates to a page where I entered my email address (or username) and then submit that form. Once I received the email for that user, I clicked on the password reset link and was navigated to the “Reset Password” page. This page displays the instructions to Enter your new password below.

    I did see that in my browser, it auto-filled/auto-generated a password and New password is the only field to enter data into.

    If you are experiencing persistent issues with the password reset link, please respond back to advise on the steps you are taking and what version of BoldGrid/WordPress you are running. Again, I was testing with the most up-to-date version of each and am unable to replicate any issues with resetting the password.

    I hope this helps!


    Carlos D

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