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  • #22843

    I am using the Primas theme for my website On my homepage, icons in a section at the bottom of the page either do not appear at all or only as a rectangle, depending on the browser being used. also, in IE 11, thye banner picture is blurred. It is clear and crisp in other browsers.



    I loaded the site in chrome, firefox, and opera and did not see any difference in the icrons at the bottom of the page, What browser were you having issues with and what version of the browser are you using? For the banner we did not have a computer still using internet explorer to test with, We did try it with IEs sucsessor Edge and we did not see a difference there, I would recommend updating your internet explorer to make sure it the most current version as the newest version should use the same engine as Edge and disable any extentions in it.

    Best Regards,


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