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  • #54849

    Every time I try and log in to Cloud WordPress, it says Service Unavailable. Exact error message:

    The Cloud WordPress you’re requesting is currently unavailable. Your site may be in maintenance mode. Please try again in a few minutes.

    You can login to BoldGrid Central to create or manage any Cloud WordPress accounts.”

    Brandon C

    Hi Alongar,

    Thanks so much for reaching out. I’m sorry you are experiencing issues accessing your BoldGrid Cloud Instance. This error may happen from time to time but normally only last a few minutes at most. It’s normally caused by the shear volume of customers accessing their websites across our servers at one time.

    This often occurs when the server is overcrowded and attempt accessing your site right after an initial installation. We have over 75,000 cloud instances at a time and sometimes you’ll see that error message when the server gets backed up.

    When you notice this issue the best thing to do is wait 2-3 minutes and try logging in again. You can also try to access the site in a private or incognito browser just to be sure there are no caching issues preventing you from accessing the site as well.

    I hope this helps! Please reach back out if you have any other questions for us.


    Hello, it’s literally been 24 hrs and still can’t get in.

    Brandon C

    Hi Alongar,

    Sorry to hear you’re still having this issue. Can you send us the URL of your Cloud WordPress site so that we can inspect it using our browser tools? We can likely pinpoint the issue and help you get back up and running.

    We look forward to hearing from you!

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