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  • #32512
    Kurt Harrison

    I installed your plugin and tried to increase site speed.
    I got immediate & major problems on my site. So I deactivated it and tried to rollback to a previous WP revision.
    Now all my translated pages are totally F***KED.
    All translation images have been replaced with just the one image.
    How do I rollback my WP site to the point before all these W3 changes were made ???
    I have spent over 6 months setting this up.

    Joseph W

    Sorry to hear about the problems with your translated content after installing W3 Total Cache and our team will do everything we can to help!

    One thing that might help you restore everything to the previous configuration is to completely uninstall W3TC from your website. Follow these steps to completely remove W3TC:

    1. Purge Cache
    2. Deactivate and Delete Plugin in the dashboard
    3. Check .htaccess file and remove W3TC configurations (make a backup of the file before deleting)
      W3TC will create many directives in .htaccess file to control the caching behavior. Each section will start and end with comments like “#BEGIN W3TC Page Cache core” and “#END W3TC Page Cache core”. Ensure that no residual entries are left over in your .htaccess file after deleting the plugin.
    4. Delete the following files and folders from your /wp-content directory: cache folder, wtc-config folder, object-cache.php (if it exists), advanced-cache.php (if it exists), upgrade folder, w3-total-cache folder (if it exists)
    5. Delete cached files from your CDN if you are using one. Besides deleting all the relevant files, if you use CDN then ensure to purge the cached content from your CDN. This is necessary when you enabled minify option in W3TC settings. You should delete the minified and combined scripts and CSS files from your CDN server to avoid the site breaking on the browser.
    6. Hopefully once any remaining cache files are removed your images will start displaying as expected again, but please let us know if you continue to run into any further issues and we will troubleshoot this as best we can!

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