Topic Resolution: Resolved
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    A solid white row of around 20px appears at the top of the Home page for the website I am creating in the Hydra theme. It does not appear in the page builder, only when visiting the site and I have no idea why it is appearing or how to get rid of it.
    I would appreciate some guidance on either how to get rid of this row or how to make it the same colour as the section below so that it blends in.

    Many thanks,

    Jesse Owens

    Hi Eva-

    You can eliminate that with just a little bit of Custom CSS. Navigate to Customize > Advanced > Custom JS & CSS and paste the following line into your Custom Theme CSS field:

    .entry-content { padding-top: 0px; }

    Thankyou Jesse,
    That has worked brilliantly.
    Could I also ask whether it is possible to remove the page titles without the background image disappearing.
    I would like all the pages in the same style as the home page, however when I choose not to display the page title the page begins just below the header, rather than leaving the same background space as the home page.
    Is there any custom CSS that can amend this?

    Thanks again,

    Jesse Owens

    Hi Eva-

    Yes, you can accomplish this with a little custom CSS. We’ll use the selector .page-template-default to distinguish the rule from your homepage, so it only affects your other pages, like so: .entry-header {
        margin-bottom: 10%;

    You can adjust the 10% value to suit your needs.


    Thank you Jesse!!

    Jesse Owens

    Happy to help Eva! Let us know if you have any more questions.

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