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  • #121030

    Hello, I have a regular website ( and then I see I have another one in the boldgrid cloud. This is a bit confusing, and now I cannot get my soulsparkhub in the cloud which I would prefer as I want to change themes because I’m having too many issues with the Crio not updating and not allowing me to change the website theme image. Can you help me figure out how to get my soulsparkhub into the cloud instead of the sample website please? I did change my email, could this be part of the problem? Because when I go into the main page, it says my old email and says I have to transfer the key.I have been very frustrated with all the issues and I am new at this so it is a bit overwhelming.
    Thank you.

    Brandon C


    I understand how you might be feeling confused with your situation. Let me try to help you clarify things.

    First, I think it’s important to note that BoldGrid doesn’t host websites. BoldGrid themes and plugins, such as Crio Pro WordPress theme, are tools that you can install onto your WordPress site, no matter where it’s hosted. Your link is for a demo WordPress site up on our BoldGrid Cloud WordPress platform, which is separate from your main website,

    If you’re still having trouble with your Crio theme not updating on your main site can you give us more details about the exact error? Is the Crio plugin itself not updating or do you mean pages and post are not updating correctly in the BoldGrid Post and Page Builder editor?

    If you are receiving any error messages along with the update failure you copy/paste your error message into the thread here so that we can take a look?

    You also mentioned Crio “not allowing me to change the website theme image” this is possibly just a matter of locating the page or post the image lives on. You can use ImgBB to send us a screenshot of how you’re currently attempting to change the image. It’s likely inside of the Post and Page editor. This guide on using background images in Post and Page builder should help you understand how swap out your background images.

    We’re looking forward to assisting you further with this!


    Hi, Thank you for helping me with this and being so great about my inability to fix this issue. So here are some images I’m uploading to highlight how I edited the About Us page info, clicked on “Update” and the page still posted “Nothing Found” when I clicked on the view page link. So, the page has been edited but it will not reflect the info (changes) when clicked on.
    Apologies I had to paste the album link as one, the sIBB site had an error on the individual share links.
    Edited About Us page:
    Page that shows no edits after updating:

    Brandon C

    Thanks Nancy!

    You had a similar topic where we answered that for you I’ll link it here so we can keep everything in one place.

    Thanks so much, let us know if you have any questions!

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