Tag: Performance

Reduce Total CSS Size

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to tell web browsers how to layout and style the web page. When loading a web page, web browsers...

Why You Should Avoid Too Much JavaScript

JavaScript is commonly used to make websites interactive and dynamic, but in certain cases it can cause the web browser to become stuck while it...

Reduce CPU processing time

Modern websites often have dynamic content-rich web pages that can sometimes be difficult for visitors’ web browsers to quickly process and display.  Complex web pages...

Use Keep-Alive Headers to Reuse Connections

Web browsers commonly must make multiple requests to the same domain or web server to download information. In order to save time and resources, web...

Always Compress Text Content

Web browsers must download website data before they can begin to show the web pages to website visitors. One of the best ways to make...

Using Long Cache Headers to Increase Your Site...

One of the best ways to improve website loading performance is setting good cache headers. Web browsers, Internet Service Providers, and network operators use cache...