Tag: Website builder

What is BoldGrid Inspirations?

BoldGrid Inspirations is a WordPress website builder plugin that is the first step to creating or rebuilding your website. It combines BoldGrid’s beautiful, responsive WordPress...

Installing the BoldGrid Inspirations Plugin

BoldGrid Inspirations gives you easy access to 200+ customizable website designs separated by industry and interest. Inspirations also includes a guided setup that helps you...

BoldGrid Inspiration Spotlight – Vacation

BoldGrid is a series of plugins to help you quickly build a website.  They include pre-built sets of pages called Inspirations. In essence, a BoldGrid...

BoldGrid Inspiration Spotlight – Pavilion Theme

The BoldGrid Inspirations plugin includes many themes to help you create the perfect website. The Pavilion theme is a versatile option for everything from Real Estate...

BoldGrid Inspiration Spotlight – Haven

When you use BoldGrid, you are using a prebuilt set of pages called an Inspiration; These are the integral pieces of our WordPress website builder...

Editing your WordPress Website’s Site Title...

One of the first things you will do when using BoldGrid to create your WordPress website is to modify the Site Title that appears on...