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Usage statistics in W3 Total Cache is a Pro Feature that can help you fine-tune your caching performance and page load time in WordPress by showing you what your caching hit rates and percentages are and helping you discover areas of opportunity to improve your site’s load times.

Using Statistics can cause performance degradation, so please use it sparingly and when needed.

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A Difference of Just 100ms in Page Load Speeds Can Cause a Visitor to Prefer Your Competitor’s Website.

Enabling Statistics

  • In your WordPress Dashboard, navigate to PerformanceStatistics
  • Select Enable
  • Click Save all settings

W3 Total Cache Statistics - General Settings

That’s it! Statistics will give you a detailed insight into how your back end is working, helping you to fine-tune your WordPress and Server resources to provide you with the best possible website performance. Using this in conjunction with Debug tools and your server access logs will give you all the information you need to optimize WordPress themes and plugins for mobile and desktop visitors. With mobile traffic becoming the primary way people get to your site, page speed is becoming increasingly important to your visitors.

Configuring Statistics

Statistics can be enabled with minimal configuration, but you also have the options to adjust the interval of which stats are captured and provide the path to the webserver access logs and format, allowing you to quickly compare them against your WordPress caching statistics.

What to do if you do not see certain Statistics working?

Make sure the cache you are looking for is enabled in General Settings, and you should be able to see the details and graph for that type of cache. In most cases, if you are logged in you will not be served cached files, so be sure to keep that in mind when using statistics and monitoring hit rate.


W3 Total Cache

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