Your comments

Interestingly, I just read a recent blog on your website

The advice for Website Speed states:

"The hosting service provider and specialized you choose will also impact website speed. If your website is using WordPress, we recommend our premium WordPress HostingWith built-in caching and optimization for your WordPress website, you won’t have to struggle with website speed anymore." (my highlighting).

And logging into our Wordpress site at InMotion, the footer states "InMotion Hosting provides dedicated help for Boldgrid".

I think both of your companies could and should do more to back up these claims

Well, I tried first to comment about optimisation with InMotion, reckoning that I used them precisely because they appeared to have a strong relationship with Boldgrid. But actually, both of you are 'blaming' Wordpress.

I have spent days trying testing W3 Total Cache and Autoptimize. And I have looked at the script tag filter for adding async and defer.

When I buy a car, the dealer doesn't get me to open the hood and strip down the engine. These render blocking and low performance/caches issues are standard; we just add content to your theme.

I am the customer, you are the supplier. You base your product on Boldgrid, the same way the car manufacturer buys aluminum from their supplier. InMotion should be their own CDN, your product should be available maybe standard and 'ready optimized', probably as a promotion with your relationship with selected hosts (InMotion, in this case).

Please forward this to whoever looks after sales.