Four Tips To Make a Great Website

WordPress Website Builder

Are your Google Analytics metrics showing a low session duration and high bounce rate? This indicates you’re having a hard time keeping visitors on your website. The internet is a competitive place and unfortunately, if visitors don’t find what they are looking for on your website, they move on to another website. So how do you keep visitors on your website? In this article, we’ll share four tips to help you operate a successful website that keeps visitors.

1. Website Speed

One big reason visitors don’t stay on your website may be slow website speed. There can be many causes, but the key is to focus on optimization. To get started, run your website through a speed test. We recommend GTMetrix. It’s free and will point out specific areas where you can improve the overall load time of your website. Optimizing Images, Browser Caching In the above example, we need to work on optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and scaling images and inline CSS. The hosting service provider and specialized you choose will also impact website speed. If your website is using WordPress, we recommend our premium WordPress Hosting. With built-in caching and optimization for your WordPress website, you won’t have to struggle with website speed anymore. If you’re not using WordPress and/or you have other needs, our different hosting packages like Shared Business Hosting and VPS Hosting can accommodate your specific requirements. Whatever the plan, we’ve put a lot of work into bringing our customers incredible speed and performance.

2. Small Images

Images can cause your website to load slowly, but it’s quite simple to optimize images on your website. To reduce the file size before uploading to your website, we recommend using TinyPNG. This is a free online tool which helps reduce the size without changing the image quality for web purposes. If you already have images on your WordPress website, look into using Image Smushing or another image optimization plugin. Depending on how your website is built, using Lazy Image Load can also help with speed, as images will only load if the visitor goes to that area of the website.

3. Page Length and Skimmability

Most web visitors don’t take the time to read every paragraph of a post. They’ll usually skim an article for the information they are looking for. Keep your content concise, and visitors will be more inclined to click through to other pages on your website. There is nothing wrong with having a long post, so long as every word is valuable and you’ve chunked it up into sections with subheadings to support skimming.

4. Mobile-Friendliness

Do all of of your website elements such as your logo and images resize to the correct size on mobile screens? Most website themes these days are advertised to be mobile-friendly, but we’ve found that’s not always the case. Not sure if your website is mobile-friendly? Use a mobile compatibility checker to check. Ensuring mobile-friendliness is a wise idea, so your visitors can access your website from any device.