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If you haven't changed your backup storage location, it will be in your home directory, in a directory called boldgrid_backup.

To find out for sure, navigate to Total Upkeep -> Settings -> Backup Storage and click Update next to your storage location:

If your backups aren't showing up in your backup archives, you can also restore backups using the command line utilities.

Hello Paul-

Changing your site title and tagline in the Customizer should change it across all your pages and posts. It's possible that you might be seeing a cached version of your pages. Here's some information from DreamHost about their built-in caching and how to manage it.


Thanks for reaching out, that does sound like a very strange issue.

To get the best support possible for W3 Total Cache please create a post in the public forums

If you're able to make a post there, the developers will be able to get the necessary information to resolve the issue for you.

Hello Randy-
Support for W3 Total Cache is provided via the W3 Support forums. If possible, get the error message you're seeing when the site has crashed and let the support team at W3 know on those forums so you can get the best possible support.


Pro licenses are good for one domain, but you can use dev mode to make sure that your development and staging servers match your production environment.

Hello Mike

There are a few ways to accomplish this. The most popular is WooCommerce, which you can use to create a store for downloads as well as physical products. There are also specialized plugins like Easy Digital Downloads

Since you're just getting started, I recommend working on Cloud WordPress so that you can build your site in a safe testing environment and transfer it to your hosting and domain when you're ready.

Be sure to let us know if you have any questions on the way, we're happy to help!


Sorry to hear about the choppy scrolling. It's possible that this might be due to lazy loading images. 

Lazy loading improves your website's loading speed by deferring loading your images until your user is just about to scroll to them. Here's a video explaining how lazy loading works:

Other than W3 Total Cache, you may be getting lazy-loading from plugins like JetPack, Hummingbird, or another performance plugin. This feature is also included in WordPress natively since 5.4. Keep in mind that lazy-loading is actually good for your site speed and SEO, but it could cause the issue you're describing.

You might be able to reduce the impact of lazy loading by optimizing your images. I hope this helps!


When you add custom HTML in WordPress, it has to pass through validation to make sure that the HTML is correct. WordPress does this to try and correct any errors you may have accidentally made, like forgetting to close a tag.

Using a <div> element as the anchor for a link doesn't pass validation because <a> tags have to use an "inline" element for the anchor. I did some searching on how to resolve this and it seems like you're not alone. This developer solved the issue with JavaScript, while others have found more solutions. Some of these solutions won't solve the issue, however, because WordPress will still strip out the "invalid" HTML when you save your content or switch between the Visual and HTML editor.

I think the best solution I found while researching this can be found in this code example on CodePen, as it uses only valid HTML and CSS (please note, I didn't write that CodePen so please forgive me for the sample text in that example). 

I hope this allows you to solve the issue, please let us know if you have any more questions.

Hello Cleve,

At the current time, Total Upkeep doesn't work very well with WordPress Multisite (network).

Check out this discussion on the WordPress Forums where our lead developer talks about how we're looking to include this in the near future.

Hello Stig,

Thank you for contacting us!

To get the best support possible for W3 Total Cache please create a post in the public forums

If you're able to make a post there, the developers will be able to get the necessary information to resolve the issue for you.