Your comments

Thanks for the excellent question, I'm sorry to hear that previous answers didn't get you the help you need.

In order to disable comments on a Blog Post, navigate to the Posts -> All Posts menu, hover over the post you want to disable comments for, and click Quick Edit.

Uncheck the options for Allow Comments and Allow Pings, and then click Update.

If you want to disable comments for all of your posts at once, navigate to Settings -> Discussion and uncheck the box for Allow people to post comments on new articles, scroll down to the bottom, and click Save Changes.

I hope this helps!

Thanks for the excellent question. The BoldGrid Theme Framework uses Google Fonts, and they can all be found at

I hope this helps!

Hello Rodney-

Great Question! The BoldGrid Inspirations process is meant to do just that- provide something to inspire you with, rather than starting off with a blank canvas.

Of course, if you'd rather start with a blank canvas you certainly can! 
Probably the easiest way to do this would be to proceed through the Inspirations installation, and once it's finished send the content into the trash:

Alternatively, you can also download and install the BoldGrid Plugins and Themes manually from your BoldGrid Central account, in a new WordPress installation.

I hope this helps!

Hi Scott-
Sorry about that, here are the steps, in order, that you should take to resolve the error.

First, rename the plugin so that you can gain access to your dashboard.

Second, once you're in your dashboard, re-install the plugin (not name it back). You can download it from this link.

After you reinstall it, click "Activate" so that it can load the correct updated library.

Alternatively, if you have SSH access, the following WP-CLI command will resolve this issue as well:

wp plugin deactivate boldgrid-inspirations --skip-plugins && wp plugin activate boldgrid-inspirations

I hope this helps

Hello Scott,

Thanks for the question, I'm sorry to hear about the fatal error on your website.

We've seen this bug once before, and in that case it was resolved by deactivating and then re-activating the BoldGrid Inspirations plugin. 

Our development team reports that the issue should have been resolved with a recent update, so make sure your BoldGrid plugins are all updated to the most recent version.

I hope this helps

Sorry to hear that one didn't work out the way you needed! Another plugin that does a really good job keeping all of the formatting is:


Thanks for an excellent idea. One reason that we haven't implemented something similar is that there are already really great plugins out there that can accomplish this idea. My favorite one is Ajax Load More, which in it's simplest form lets you add a simple shortcode to your page, like this:


Which gets your blog without any other options, and allows your users to scroll more and more posts as they go.


Thanks for the excellent question. This type of customization is generally accomplished by using a child theme, however, you can also accomplish it using some custom JavaScript.

The following example was made using the BoldGrid Swifty Theme, so your theme may have some different selectors. Copy this into your Customize -> Advanced -> Custom CSS & JS menu in the Custom Theme JS section:

jQuery('article > header').each(function (index, value) {
    jQuery( this ).find('div.entry-meta').after( jQuery( this ).find('h1.entry-title') );

This will swap the Entry Meta (date, author, etc) with the title to look like this:

If this doesn't work as written, let me know which theme you're using and I can adjust the CSS selectors for you. I hope this helps!


Thanks for the question, I understand the need to customize your shop page the way you need it.

To answer your question, the BoldGrid Post and Page Builder can be used with almost any theme available for WordPress. One popular theme with controls specific to WooCommerce is StoreFront.

However, you can always modify the number of products using a child theme or code snippet. Here's the code snippet I used to change the number of products per page from 12 to 15. 

add_filter( 'loop_shop_per_page', function( $cols ) {
return 15;
}, 21 );

This hooks into the "loop_shop_per_page" filter of WooCommerce, and uses an anonymous function to return the number 15 as the number of products per page. The most important part is the priority at the end, which must be 21 or higher to override a BoldGrid theme's default priority of 20. Here's how it looks in the Code Snippets editor: