Wix vs WordPress:

Which Free Website Builder Should I Use?

Wix vs WordPress comparison If you’re new to building websites, whether to use Wix vs WordPress can be a very hard decision. Choosing the right platform is integral, as you won’t want to waste time and energy creating your perfect website, only to realize you have to start from scratch because the tool you chose doesn’t match your needs. Take a look at the following comparison chart — it should help you choose the best website builder for you.

Wix WordPress
Ease of Use Wix prides itself on how easy it is to use and setup. Wix provides the hosting, and it’s included visual website builder makes the actual design portion very easy. Unfortunately, as Wix’s tools are so integrated into the system, customization is very limited, which could affect your ability to expand or scale. Out of the box, WordPress isn’t the easiest to use. However, there are plugins (like BoldGrid) that will simplify the process while allowing you to be even more creative than before. As for hosting, most reputable web hosts offer affordable WordPress site hosting packages, meaning you can be up and running in no time.
Blogging Wix originally didn’t include tools for blogging, but over time, their platform has evolved to service the needs of many bloggers. However, WordPress has been focused on blogging since inception and provides a much larger toolset for writers. WordPress was originally built as a blogging platform, and though it has expanded significantly, it still retains its very powerful blogging capabilities.
eCommerce Wix comes with the functionality to build basic eCommerce stores. With Wix, you can create a storefront and take payments. Wix does not charge a commission on any of your sales. WooCommerce is a free eCommerce plugin developed by the creators of WordPress. Recent statistics show that WooCommerce powers 30% of online stores. It’s a remarkably robust plugin with a huge following, and lots of support. Best of all, it’s 100% compatible with WordPress.
Plugins and Addons Wix maintains an “app library” that provides many different site upgrades — such as forms or social media functionality. Unfortunately, many of these apps have limited functionality unless you pay for a premium version. If you have a robust website, this could become pricey. WordPress powers roughly 30% of the web. That means, there’s a lot of support in the form of addons. There are over 45,000 plugins and 10,000 themes available in the WordPress repository, which you can sort by user feedback. Given that WordPress is open-source, many of the plugins are free. No matter your needs, WordPress has something for it.
Site Ownership Wix uses a proprietary system with bundled hosting. Migrating from Wix isn’t simple and usually requires you to rebuild your website in another platform, like WordPress. With WordPress, you completely own your site. You’re free to move from host to host (and tools provided by BoldGrid can make this migration easier).
Site Maintenance One of the benefits of Wix’s proprietary system and bundled hosting is the fact that many maintenance issues can be resolved by contacting support. Given the size of the WordPress community and the amount of information available, resolving your WordPress issues is fairly easy. You’ll generally find what you need with a Google search. Most WordPress hosting providers also have in-house support for WordPress. Also, there are many WordPress plugins that makes site maintenance much easier.
Pricing There are various tiers of pricing depending on the service level you desire. There’s an extra charge if you want to host an eCommerce website, or take any kind of payments online. The WordPress platform itself is free, though you’ll need to find a suitable web host. Many web hosts offer WordPress hosting service. If you want to try WordPress now, click here to launch a fully functional free WordPress instance that you can later transfer to a live site.


When choosing between Wix vs WordPress, make sure you evaluate your needs carefully. Wix can get you off the ground quickly, but with the right website builder tools, WordPress is just as easy to use, has extensive community support and is scalable. Another advantage is the fact that you can take your WordPress site to any host. You’re not locked into a static system.

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