W3 Total Cache Changelog
- Fix: Ensure WP Cron events get scheduled when using the Setup Guide wizard and on upgrade
- Fix: Undefined variable when the Object Cache purge debug log is enabled
- Update: Added warnings in the Setup Guide and the General Settings page when using Disk for Database and Object Caches
- Update: Skip Database and Object caches when using WP-CLI
- Feature: Always Cached extension
- Feature: Purge caches on WP-Cron schedules
- Fix: Cloudflare: Some settings were not saved correctly
- Fix: Check and update file mode/permissions for cache files
- Fix: Issue prompting for credentials for some non-direct filesystem types
- Enhancement: Added an admin notice if WP-Cron is not functioning correctly
- Enhancement: Added Browser Cache filters
- Update: Upgraded JSMin library to 2.4.3
- Update: Added Premium Services tabs
- Update: CDN: Added support for Microsoft Azure EntraID Managed identities
- Fix: Improved cache flushing on actions/updates
- Fix: Google PageSpeed authorization
- Fix: Remove Fragment Cache link if extension is disabled
- Fix: License status fix
- Fix: Statistics PHP warning when some data is stale
- Fix: API improvement for non-200 responses
- Update: Object cache improvements
- Update: Allow WPML extension activation for TranslatePress
- Update: Added notices when choosing Disk for object and database cache engines
- Update: Added more information for selections in the setup guide wizard
- Update: Updated cache header directive choices (no-cache/no-store)
- Update: Nginx configuration examples
- Feature: Added dismissible notifications
- Fix: PHP error in Page Cache when deleting media
- Fix: PHP warning in Page Cache when modifying an attachment
- Update: Added additional default query strings for page cache exemptions
- Update: Removed obsolete Google PageSpeed metrics
- Update: Condensed Google PageSpeed proof block format for certain settings/features
- Update: Added missing Google PageSpeed score block for PageCache Lazy Loading Google Maps setting on General Settings page
- Fix: WP-CLI get option output for array type
- Fix: Remove CSS/JS URL matching
- Fix: Nginx rules for feature and permission policies
- Fix: Redis connect port for unix sockets error
- Update: Newsletter in footer is now a link to a working form
- Update: Added JSON type for WP-CLI get/set option
- Update: Added config export for WP-CLI
- Update: Added content matching option for Remove CSS/JS individual entries
- Update: Updated Google PageSpeed score block appearance for cleaner UI
- Update: Added Google PageSpeed score block for PageCache Lazy Loading Google Maps setting
- Update: Added Google PageSpeed score block for Minify Eliminate Render Blocking CSS option
- Fix: Page Cache: File Cleaner now uses the correct expiration setting
- Fix: PHP 8.1 warnings for Redis connect
- Fix: Google ChartJS error
- Update: Bumped PHP minimum version to 7.2.5; added support for up to PHP 8.3
- Update: AWS SDK PHP dependency updated to 3.314.2
- Update: Microsoft Azure Storage SDK PHP dependency updated to 1.5.4 (blob) and 1.5.2 (common)
- Update: Several other PHP and NodeJS dependencies updated
- Update: Made improvements to the Remove CSS/JS feature
- Update: Removed the newsletter signup popup and added it in the footer
- Update: Added use-case proof and links to settings pages
- Update: Changed CDN default to none and updated the StackPath EOL notice
- Fix: Page Cache cleanup purging all if browsercache.html.lifetime > W3TC_CACHE_FILE_EXPIRE_MAX
- Fix: Page Cache primer: Ignore sitemap XML comments
- Fix: Page Cache primer: Preload cache for custom post types
- Fix: Page Cache primer: Add an option to prime cache after updating a post/page/CPT
- Fix: Redis test logic
- Fix: Cloudflare extension: Setting values via API
- Fix: Amazon SNS message validation
- Fix: Handle XML setting being saved properly
- Update: Add more options to the Remove CSS/JS feature
- Update: Add an option for Amazon CloudFront default region in distribution hostname
- Update: Add information about feature impact on PageSpeed
- Update: Reworked the Page Cache Preload settings UI
- Fix: Page Cache: Prefer Brotli over Gzip
- Fix: Page Cache: Purge sitemaps on post creation/edit/trash/delete
- Fix: Page Cache: Processed content filter
- Fix: Minify URL to filename filter mapping
- Update: Added Bunny CDN partner information
- Update: Added filters for Apache rules and Page Cache postfix
- Feature: Performance Dashboard update
- Feature: Remove unused CSS/JS
- Fix: Nginx feature and permission policy header syntax
- Fix: Memcache install check
- Fix: CloudFront purge button
- Fix: Uncaught type error on the install page
- Fix: Page mapping data
- Fix: Add missing id for a save settings button
- Fix: Extension counts
- Fix: PHP 8.2 deprecation warnings for dynamic class property assignments
- Fix: Do not autoload WP option for PageSpeed data
- Fix: Cache groups: Fix spacing in values for htaccess syntax
- Fix: Refactor Minify cache key mapping to have shorter keys and separate storage
- Fix: Minify statistics output and PHP warnings
- Fix: Feature Showcase: New feature version numbers
- Fix: Lazy Loading URL pattern match
- Update: Upgrade modal/popup
- Update: Added “Learn more” links
- Fix: WebP Converter extension activation
- Fix: Media Library upload may fail when using Bunny CDN
- Fix: Cloudflare API error when updating certain settings
- Fix: Lazy Loading issue with the Delay Scripts feature enabled
- Update: Allow custom hostname changes for Bunny CDN
- Feature: Added support for Bunny.Net CDN
- Feature: Preload requests (Pro)
- Fix: Error when changing CDN cookie domain setting
- Fix: Admin notice when flushing cache from the admin bar
- Fix: Error in some Minify cache file operations
- Fix: PHP 8 compatibility
- Update: Delay scripts UI changes
- Feature: Added Delay Scripts (Pro)
- Fix: Several PHP 8 warnings
- Fix: Fragment Cache extension PHP warnings when no engine was selected
- Fix: Fragment Cache engine selection disabled for pro license under certain conditions
- Fix: Added Database Cluster compatibility for older db.php files
- Fix: Fixed one PageSpeed tool metric not outputting data and adjusted a few labels
- Fix: Multiple anchor links for PageSpeed block on General Settings page
- Fix: Cache Groups validation on save
- Fix: Cache Groups delete button not working for added groups
- Update: Renamed Image Service feature to WebP Converter
- Update: Added WebP Converter block to General Settings page along with link to navigation bar
- Update: StackPath CDN prices (Service ending November 22, 2023 and will be replaced by Bunny CDN in future update)
- Fix: Add a fallback for the older version of wp-content/db.php
- Feature: Added filter “w3tc_config_item_objectcache.enabled” to allow for disabling W3TC object cache
- Fix: Auto-apply W3TC Pro license after purchase via in-plugin purchase/upgrade buttons
- Fix: PHP 8 warnings for Page and Fragment caches
- Fix: Replaced delete_blog deprecated hook with wp_uninitialize_site and wp_update_site
- Fix: Database Cluster configuration file save issue
- Fix: Fragment cache will now be disabled for non-pro users instead of being only disabled on the front-end
- Fix: Premium services widget list is now synced with the support page
- Update: User interface updated for cleaner appearance and easier navigation and control
- Update: Added support for get/set/add/delete wp_xxx_multiple methods to Object cache
- Fix: Fragment Cache: Fatal error when displaying registered groups
- Fix: PHP 8 deprecation warnings in the SNS Message Bus and NuSOAP libraries
- Fix: Broken nonce for renewal form
- Fix: Page Cache: Moved hardcoded query string exemptions to the settings page
- Update: Redis and Memcached host/IP/domain configuration examples
- Fix: Correct interpolation of a symlinked cache directory
- Fix: Memcached test using SASL authentication
- Fix: Multi-site authorization request returning to incorrect URL
- Fix: PHP 8 compatibility: Invalid return type if Browser Cache is disabled
- Fix: Added AWS SNS message classes (aws/aws-php-sns-message-validator)
- Fix: PageSpeed service: messages and escaping
- Fix: Image Service meta query handling
- Update: Dependency version updates
- Update: Content-Security-Policy (CSP) and Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only (CSPRO) header field configuration
- Feature: PageSpeed Insights reports and performance page widget
- Feature: Added basic OpenLiteSpeed support
- Feature: Add Permissions-Policy to mirror Feature-Policy directives
- Fix: PHP 8.2 compatibility
- Fix: GuzzleHttp 7 conflict with Azure
- Fix: Allow object cache updates when using WP-CLI
- Fix: Added missing Page Cache configuration “host” value
- Fix: Missing on_comment_status action callback
- Fix: Flush cache on attachment update
- Fix: Varnish flush for posts
- Update: Improved comment status logic for flushing database and object caches
- Update: Adjusted FTP form style
- Update: Removed deprecated MaxCDN and NetDNA components and added a notice if one was used
- Update: Removed deprecated FeedBurner
- Fix: Comment status change error
- Fix: Varnish flush post arguments
- Fix: Error when flushing page cache after an attachment update
- Fix: Optimized and fixed object cache flushing
- Fix: Scheduled post page cache flushing
- Fix: Admin bar flush cache for current page with disabled purge policy
- Fix: Loop when disabling Minify HTTP/2 push setting
- Fix: Extension admin notice missing links
- Update: Removed custom translation files
- Fix: Reset our textdomain for translations
- Fix: Escape output in compatibility checker, minify, and New Relic pages
- Fix: Admin notice buttons on non-plugin pages
- Fix: Namespace on exception type in a minify class
- Fix: Translation issues due to hooks and typos
- Fix: Broken JavaScript in admin_print_scripts calls when language is not English
- Fix: Deprecated warnings in JS and CSS minify
- Update: Translation files
- Fix: Updated database cache connection class to avoid deprecated warnings in WordPress 6.1
- Fix: Redis: Fixed handling of retry interval and timeout options for usage statistics
- Enhancement: Redis: Added TLS/SSL certificate verification option
- Enhancement: Page cache: Added query string exemptions
- Fix: Error clearing all cache when using CloudFront full CDN in Pro
- Fix: Revert WooCommerce Variation Image Gallery plugin CDN filter
- Fix: DB cache syntax error in PHP 5.6
- Fix: Added missing space to S3 CDN bucket label
- Fix: JS error for CloudFront CDN related check on non-W3TC pages
- Fix: Page cache unpack warning for empty/malformed files
- Enhancement: Image Service pre_get_posts anonymous action now hooked (w3tc_modify_query_obj)
- Enhancement: Image Service ajax_query_attachments_args anonymous action now hooked (w3tc_filter_ajax_args)
- Fix: Extensions URL in settings
- Fix: Redis undefined array key warnings
- Fix: Redis connect issue based on phpredis version
- Fix: Sanitization of licensing messages
- Fix: DB cache error in Ajax
- Fix: Call to undefined function in DB cache query class
- Fix: PHP 8 compatibility: join
- Fix: WooCommerce Variation Image Gallery plugin CDN filter
- Enhancement: Add setting for AWS S3 public objects in ACL
- Enhancement: Check if post is empty before cache flush
- Enhancement: Add max lifetime setting for non-disk page cache
- Enhancement: Add notice when selecting CDN using CloudFront
- Update: CSS Tidy 1.7.3 => 2.0.1
- Update: Add sns-message-validator
- Security: Ensure cache writes in cache folders
- Fix: Redis Cache: Removed exception on warnings
- Fix: Compatibility check for WP_CACHE
- Fix: Flush all cache cache except Cloudflare button
- Fix: License terms update notice escaping
- Fix: Feature Showcase: Image Service activate button
- Security: Updated guzzlehttp/guzzle to 6.5.8
- Security: PHPCS and WPCS updates
- Security: Updated guzzlehttp/guzzle to 6.5.6
- Security: Updated guzzlehttp/psr7 to 1.8.5
- Fix: Cloudflare flush all cache
- Fix: Access log test
- Fix: Better handling for PHP 5.6
- Fix: Convert Redis warnings to exceptions
- Fix: WordPress 5.5 image lazy loading
- Fix: Infinite loop when using database cluster configuration
- Fix: Database cluster logic
- Fix: FTP credentials form
- Fix: Preview deploy button
- Fix: Image Service links in multisite network admin
- Fix: Enable Image Service settings changes in multisite blog/sub sites
- Enhancement: Updated Cloudflare settings to allow a global API key or token
- Enhancement: Added Cloudflare CDN public objects option to settings
- Enhancement: Added timeout settings for Redis
- Enhancement: Added TLS/SSL certificate verification option for Redis
- Enhancement: Added Image Service visibility option
- Enhancement: Updated Image Service limit notification
- Enhancement: Better handling of trailing slash URLs
- Update: Adjusted lightbox for accessibility
- Update: Removed deprecated opcache flush
- Fix: Cloudflare: Removed use of the retired ip_lkup V1 endpoint
- Fix: Prevent error in some environments using non-direct filesystems
- Fix: Added better checking for some filesystem actions
- Fix: AWS CloudFront: Reverted async change for cache invalidation to honor promises
- Enhancement: Added option to exclude minified JS files from being processed by Rocket Loader
- Enhancement: Improved handling of Image Service rate-limiting and error messages
- Feature: Image Service extension: WebP conversion options
- Fix: Cloudflare Dashboard Widget: Updated to use GraphQL
- Fix: Cloudflare Dashboard Widget: Use WordPress timezone
- Fix: CDN: Execute purge only if hosting is enabled, to prevent unneeded delays
- Fix: Published/modified custom posts not clearing the archive cache(s)
- Fix: Native WordPress sitemap caching
- Fix: Extra MIME groups other than controlled by settings were added to rules
- Fix: Usage Statistics: Not functioning when object cache is set to Redis
- Fix: AMP Extension: Prevent popup admin bar for endpoints
- Fix: Setup Guide Wizard: CSS for long translations
- Fix: Opcache Settings: Validate timestamp indicator checkbox
- Update: Remove robots.txt cache toggle setting
- Enhancement: Impove 404 detection
- Enhancement: Improved compatibility check indicators
- Enhancement: AWS CloudFront: Faster cache invalidation using async
- Fix: Corrected handling of robots.txt (file and filter)
- Fix: Corrected relative paths used in the JS minify YUI Compressor
- Fix: Disallow crawling of cache directory
- Fix: Responsive display for the dashboard
- Enhancement: Added lazy load threshold setting
- Enhancement: Added feature policy security headers to settings
- Fix: JS minify issue with template literal backticks
- Fix: Do not redirect when using WP-CLI
- Fix: Missing whitespace in Memcached Nginx configuration
- Fix: Setting for CDN over passive FTP
- Fix: Updated CDN Minify regex
- Fix: Added missing text domains and fixed translations
- Enhancement: Allow default AWS credentials provider
- Enhancement: Added error logging when minification base URL is not found
- Fix: Sanitize extension argument
- Fix: Use Memcached server from config for Nginx rules instead of localhost
- Fix: Allow more characters in CDN hostname sanitization
- Fix: Added missing textdomains for Browser Cache settings
- Fix: Avoid a possible PHP warning in LazyLoad mutator
- Enhancement: Added a filter w3tc_cdn_cf_flush_all_uris for CloudFront purging
- Fix: Authenticated Persistent XSS & XFS in CDN admin page
- Update: AWS library version 3.183.0
- Update: Minify: Include theme template files using page_* filenames
- Fix: Skip removing spaces around “
- ” tags in HTML Minify
- Fix: Updated admin URL logic for multisite installations
- Fix: TransparentCDN purge URL validation
- Fix: Added an option to use ABSPATH as the document root for Minify
- Fix: Database cache debug message
- Update: Added regions for AWS S3 (af-south-1, cn-north-1, cn-northwest-1, eu-south-1)
- Update: Added MIME types AVIF and AVIFS for Browser Cache rules
- Update: Enhanced “get_pagenum_link” filter
- Update: Removed “comment” from the non-persistent object cache group
- Fix: Move Minify library to a namespace to avoid conflicts with other plugins
- Fix: Check for AWS before loading functions
- Fix: Update Minify ClosureCompiler base URL; use HTTPS
- Fix: Corrected getting the network siteurl
- Fix: Prevent PHP warning in CurlFactory
- Update: Added information links to general minify options
- Update: Added video/ogg support for browser caching
- Feature: Added a Feature Showcase to highlight new and existing features
- Update: Consolidated cache groups settings pages
- Update: Replaced deprecated jQuery method for WordPress 5.6
- Fix: PHP warnings for sprintf placeholders in PHP 8
- Fix: PHP deprecated warnings in PHP 8
- Fix: Browser Cache Quick Reference Chart link
- Fix: Bad nonce in help
- Fix: Google Drive CDN JavaScript
- Fix: Corrected redirection logic for the new Setup Guide
- Fix: Fixed JavaScript w3tc_ga error
- Feature: Added the Setup Guide wizard for onboarding
- Update: Updated jQuery compatibility and methods deprecated in WordPress 5.6
- Fix: Browser Cache: Fixed ExpiresByType code; changed from modified time to client access time
- Fix: Minify: Do not remove quotes around meta tags
- Fix: Minify: Removal of spaces in calc function was breaking CSS
- Fix: Browser Cache: Query string was not added to prevent caching after setting changes
- Fix: Avoid warning when sending an empty URL for purging
- Update: Added a filter for minified JavaScript content
- Update: Minify: Added options for minify only got both JS and CSS in auto mode
- Fix: Fixed Memcached flush logic
- Fix: Remove disk enhanced rewrites when disabling page cache
- Fix: Better handle conflicts on activation
- Feature: Added TransparentCDN full-site delivery option
- Fix: Update settings on activation in a changed environment
- Fix: Fixed a compatibility check for Apache when PHP is running as CGI
- Fix: Always set HSTS headers in Apache; not only for 2xx HTTP codes
- Fix: Implemented anatomic incrementing of key version in Memcache(d)
- Update: Allow filtering of w3tc_minify_url_for_files Minify URL for files
- Fix: Cleanup widget and postbox display for WordPress 5.5
- Fix: Update to PageSpeed API v5, show webvitals metrics
- Fix: Console error when adminbar is hidden and PageSpeed module is active
- Fix: Stats view JS issue
- Fix: Deprecated jQuery warnings
- Fix: Require files for request_filesystem_credentials() call
- Added option to disable jquery-migrate on the front-end. Fixed #172 master (#240)
- Fix: Take “Accepted Query Strings” into account when “Cache query strings” enabled
- Fixed typo in variable for lazy loading
- Update: Add lazy load Google Maps reference to the general settings page
- Update: Support background-image: together with background: for lazy loading
- Fixed WP-CLI redirect issue in multisite
- Fix: Avoid PREG_JIT_STACKLIMIT_ERROR in minify
- Fix: Prevent empty needle PHP warning
- Update: Allow to specify URIs with a query string in Additional Pages
- Fixed CSS minify URL rewrite logic that affected some lazy loading and CSS URL addresses using protocols
- Added lazy loading for Google Maps
- Added a filter w3tc_minify_css_content for minified contents
- Fixed a minify regex issue in non-Unicode websites
- Fixed a PHP notice in WPMU: accessing array offset on null
- Fixed a minify issue where embedded CSS URL fragments were converted incorrectly
- i18n improvement
- Changed default to disabled for wp-admin requests in the object cache
- Fixed HTML minification of img elements containing embedded SVG strings
- Removed an identifying value for GDPR
- Fix: Dont store content of HEAD requests
- Updated informational URL on page cache static page comments
- Fixed php warnings in PgCache_ContentGrabber.php
- Added new Pro feature, Debug – Purge Stack Trace
- Added “Feature Policy” security header
- Removed deprecated get_magic_quotes_gpc()
- Improved AMP Extension by ignoring value of amp querystring marker in request if passed without value in config
- Improved lazyload by not processing elements with skip-lazy class or data-skip-lazy attribute
- Fixed caching of query-string normalization redirects, no longer cached when cache key is normalized by accept querystring arguments, caused redirect loop
- Added querystring based URL structures for AMP pages
- Added filter of minify options
- Added lazyload picture tag support
- Removed footer link “Support Us” option
- Improved wp_die handling
- Improved lazyload handling of content in script tags
- Improved lazyload handling of feeds
- Improved printing tags coming from feeds
- Improved handling of modified posts before wp_rewrite initialized
- Nginx rules changed a lot to avoid “location” block conflicts. That change may cause problems on some systems using non-default WordPress rules – keep a backup of your original rules
- Improved handling of .htaccess files in regard to EOF
- Fixed Varnish purging
- Fixed html minification of data tags equaling 0
- Added recommendation for BoldGrid’s Total Upkeep plugin
- Added new lazy loading feature
- Removed New Relic extension by default for new installations
- Updated usage of html minification and quote removal
- Improved memcached config and added optional binary protocol setting
- Improved process of renewing expired licenses
- Improved page cache purging
- Improved FAQ link by opening in new window
- Improved detection of detect_post_id
- Improved REST caching in relation to cache headers like X-WP-*
- Improved Vary User-Agent header usage
- Improved various features with AMP pages and HTTP2
- Improved redis connection string to allow for tls://host:port format
- Fixed file headers for CloudFront S3 CDN
- Fixed fatal error on with flush / SNS
- Fixed comments with URLs within minify debug mode
- Fixed ObjectCache statistics within footer
- Fixed temporary hotfix with wp_die and regular output
- Fixed fragment cache header link
- Fixed flushing of /feed and /feed/ cache
- Fixed js error in widget
- Fixed fatal cache flush error caused by empty $wp_rewrite
- Fixed path for file_generic REST caching on non-default port
- Fixed test minify button with Closure Compiler engine
- Fixed compatibility with wpdb::prepare in WordPress 5.3
- Fixed slowdown in memcached engine
- Fixed Purge Cache menu links so they flush current blog in WPMU
- Fixed error during upgrade, “Call to undefined method W3TC\Util_Content::is_database_error”
- Updated Redis cache engine to avoid “Function Redis::delete() is deprecated” warning
- Improved Statistics component for pro users
- Improved support for CloudFront distributions with multiple origins
- Improved redirects by using safter wp_safe redirect
- Improved .htaccess usage when pagecache does not require it
- Improved protection of unexpected values in global variables
- Added more Amazon S3 regions
- Added support for memcached binary protocol when available
- Added caching for WebP MIME type
- Updated S3 bucket creation by settings CORS policy
- Updated blogmap to allow urls with custom ports
- Fixed usage of base url with minify
- Fixed mixing content of sync & async scripts with minify
- Fixed S3 + CloudFront urls when CNAMEs not used
- Updated AWS library
- Added support of set_sql_mode by dbcluster
- Improved support for webserver running on non-default port with disk-enhanced
- Improved menu icons
- Fixed php warning when remote service cannot be loaded
- Fixed php warnings on support page
- Fixed PHP warning when Redis integration not configured correctly
- Fixed 404 in multisite caused by subdirectory issue
- Fixed object cache issue in multisite where object cache was cleared at wrong time
- Fixed database cluster in WordPress 5.1
- Fixed warning caused by user agent theme change used
- Fixed minification in multisite when URLs were set to root-blog based url
- Fixed undefined w3tc_ga issue
- Improved purging of current page by using post_id instead of URL
- Improved cache delivery of /feed URLs
- Improved security on calls to opcache flush
- Improved minification of files in environments running on non-default ports
- Fixed caching of redirect responses based on empty response body
- Improved compatibility with WordPress 5.1
- Improved transports, unix: prefix not required
- Improved minify html
- Fixed fatal error during media file upload with CDN module active
- Fixed removal of empty values, JSON encoded string in attribute, trailing quote at end of tag, and the handling of anchors in HTML minify
- Fixed undefined index warning
- Fixed fatal error when purging CDN using full site delivery
- Fixed undefined variable notice
- Fixed “No such file or directory” warning
- Fixed writing to PHP error log rather than WordPress debug log
- Fixed default referrer policy should be “no-referrer-when-downgrade”
- Fixed php_flag error related to browser cache, using ini_set instead
- Fixed Cloudflare IPv6 check undefined offset
- Fixed Undefined constant WP_ROOT
- Fixed frame-ancestors being overwritten by frame-src
- Fixed missing semicolon in nginx configuration
- Fixed HTTP/2 URLs handling for browser cache and CDN modules
- Fixed display of CDN debug information
- Fixed CSS Minification with Google Fonts when included via “Include external files/libraries” and non-latin character-sets are loaded
- Fixed media query string not updating when all caches were purged
- Fixed double slash with ABSPATH if file exists
- Fixed setting max-age and expires header simultaneously
- Fixed SASL detection for PECL Memcached
- Fixed handling of manually entered objects to be purged on CDN
- Fixed query string handling in Nginx
- Improved error handling with Cloudfront
- Improved page cache logging
- Improved multi-tenant support for memory-based caching engines
- Improved CSS minification
- Improved purge behavior for changed media objects when using CDN
- Improved compatibility with sitemap plugins
- Added support for Memcached for Nginx
- Added support for caching webm files
- Added Brotli HTTP compression support
- Added StackPath full site delivery support
- Added wc_session to the list of ignored query stems for improved WooCommerce compatibility
- Fixed minified files not being hosted by CDN when enabled if “host minified files” is disabled
- Fixed warning thrown when purge all was selected (via nigrosimone)
- Fixed undefined offset error in fragment cache
- Fixed MaxCDN test button failure when debug mode is enabled
- Fixed purging of feeds when cache feeds option is enabeld
- Improved handling of errors when full site delivery isn’t set
- Improved nginx.conf to support xml caching
- Improved nginx.conf to support HSTS for static files
- Improved minify’s handling of query strings
- Improved database caching, frequent wp_options no longer flush posts or comments data
- Improved Limelight Networks CDN integration
- Improved FAQ, they’re now hosted in the GitHub public repository
- Improved handling for /<![CDATA[/ in HTML minify engine
- Imporved garbage collection for basic disk caching
- Improved HSTS support (via Dave Welsh)
- Improved reliabilty of CSS embed options
- Improved New Relic requirements in compatibility test
- Added StackPath CDN integration (including full site delivery)
- Added support for page cache priming via WP-CLI via prime function
- Added filter support for managing cache groups
- Added API for flushing individual cache groups via flush_group function
- Added purge support for JSON cache e.g. cached REST API requests
- Added filter support for managing database cache settings
- Added filter support before (w3tc_process_content) and after (w3tc_processed_content) a cache object is created
- Added compatibility for AMPforWP plugin
- Added JSON caching support for Pro subscribers
- Added additional security headers (via amiga-500)
- Fixed anonymous usage tracking, default to disabled
- Fixed incorrect minify cache data written if target directory missing
- Fixed empty minify cache file written when file locking enabled
- Fixed missing commas in CSS (via nigrosimone)
- Fixed typo in object cache engine (via Furniel)
- Fixed incorrect reuse of redis connections when persistent connections option enabled
- Fixed reliability of Google Drive (via jikamens)
- Fixed handling of UTF-8 encoded files by writing them in binary (via jikamens)
- Improved Full Site Delivery configuration user flow on the General and CDN settings screens
- Improved content type matching and cache hits as a result
- Improved minify file locking logic
- Improved visual langage of the compatibility test (via Furniel)
- Improved configuration file management
- Improved MaxCDN set up wizard
- Improved page cache’s accepted query string handling to handle optional values and add support for disk enhanced mode (via amiga-500, nigrosimone)
- Improved handling of timeouts to origin push CDN proviers
- Added HTTP/2 push headers for disk enhanced page caching (via nigrosimone)
- Added X-Forwarded-Proto header for use cases like HTTPS recognition behind proxies or load balancers
- Added multiple CDN support i.e. static file objects and pages, posts, feeds, API responses etc to use different respective CDN providers
- Added page caching by cookie name or value (sponsored by SQweb)
- Added toggle for CORS header to improve inter-operatbility with various CDN providers
- Added support for CDN hosted media to media library (inspired by amiga-500)
- Added object caching of AJAX calls (via andyexeter)
- Enterprise features are now available to Pro subscribers! Including reading from multiple databases concurrently and purging caches across multiple hosts via a Message Bus
- Fixed regression with browser caching and query strings
- Fixed handling of HTTP compressed documents in PHP v5.3 (via amiga-500)
- Fixed a bug with accelerated mobile pages (via nigrosimone)
- Improved reliability of minify in manual mode
- Improved JavaScript interoperability with CDATA use cases
- Improved file name generation on Windows for IIS servers
- Improved handling of # in URLs
- Improved handling of exclusions for e-commerce in Genesis Framework
- Improved handling of headers for Microsoft Azure
- Improved functionality with existing CloudFront Distributions when configuring Full Site Delivery
- Improved minify debug logging
- Improved handling of URLs that omit the protocol
- Improved handling of custom files with CDN (via amiga-500)
- Updated CSSTidy library (via nigrosimone and amiga-500)
- Added Swarmify Video Optimization Extension [Hat tip the Swarmify Team]
- Added flushing of AMP pages
- Fixed security issue by protecting configuration data by adding .php to relevant files
- Fixed security issue with the creation of dot folders that could be abused
- Fixed handling HTTP compression for uncached pages
- Fixed handling of .svgz files
- Added expiration headers to WebP images
- Added support for Microsoft Azure’s latest API
- Added ability to cache WP Admin. Recommended setting, is off. (Improved WP Admin performance with object caching enabled)
- Added HTTP/2 Push support for minified files
- Added option management support for wp-cli
- Improved handling of uncompressed minified files
- Improved handling of purging of modified pages / posts
- Improved compatibility with Rackspace Cloud Files
- Improved initial CDN configuration reliability
- Improved reliability of object caching
- Improved PHP 7.0 compatibility
- Improved PHP 4.3 compatibility
- Improved HTTP/2 support
- Improved CSS embed handling
- Improved reliability of object cache, transients now fallback to database
- Improved handling of cached http compressed objects
- Fixed missing namespace, which caused issues with other implementations of Google APIs
- Fixed handling Cloudflare zone list being incomplete for users with many zones
- Added extension to support Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
- Added notification for users that are still using PHP 5.2 (end of life in 2011)
- Improved default settings
- Improved compatibility with Yoast SEO sitemap caching
- Improved compatability with Jetpack
- Improved directory handling on IIS
- Improved backwards compatibility for 3rd party implementations against legacy W3TC functions
- Fixed XSS vulnerability
- Fixed issues with dismissing overlays
- Fixed handling of tilde in URLs
- Fixed issue with HTTP compression header when using mfunc calls
- Fixed cache ID issue with minify in network mode
- Fixed rare issue of caching empty document when some PHP errors occur in themes or plugins
- Fixed caching of query strings
- Added support for APCu Opcode Cache
- Added support for Redis
- Added support for Google Drive
- Added support for Amazon S3-compatible stroage services
- Added support for PECL memcached
- Added support for srcset elements
- Added support for Rackspace CDN Origin Pull
- Added support for minification of external fonts
- Added support for WOFF2 font format
- Added support for FTPS (FTP-SSL, S-FTP)
- Added YUI Compressor’s PHP Port of the CSS minifier
- Added Narcissus’ JS minifier
- Added purge of parent page when attachments are added or updated
- Added Highwinds CDN provider
- Added “Validate Timestamps” option for compatible opcode caches functions like apc.stat are enabled
- Added Full Site Delivery for Pro subscribers
- Added HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) support
- Added a sample extension for developers to reference
- Added Rackspace Cloud Files Multi-Region Support
- Added more support for exclusions to database cache
- Added more optionality to minifiers
- Added WPML Performance Extension
- Added use of namespace which creates mininum dependency on version PHP 5.3
- Improved PHP 5.6 compatibility
- Improved PHP 7 compatibility
- Improved performance menu in admin …